Kamis, 28 April 2011

Update News and Rumours..:D

15:12 Borneo Lumbung Energy per maret 2011 meraih kenaikan  laba bersih 4.026 persen menjadi Rp425,9 miliar  dibanding Rp10,32 miliar periode sama tahun sebelumnya. Keterangan kamis menyebutkan pendapatan usaha naik jadi Rp1,2 triliun dari Rp537,2 miliar dan laba operasi menjadi Rp533,6 miliar dari Rp175,44 miliar. Laba sebelum pajak diraih Rp535,03 miliar dari laba sebelum pajak ditahun sebelumnya Rp46,22 miliar.

PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk (TOTL) akhirnya membagikan dividen tunai sebesar
Rp 50,02 miliar, atau 62% dari total laba bersih tahun buku 2010. Tiap pemegang
saham akan mendapatkan Rp 14,67 per saham. Sementara, sisa laba bersih sebesar
Rp 20,75 miliar ditetapkan sebagai laba ditahan.

Pembayaran dividen akan dilakukan pada 8 Juni mendatang. Dengan cum dividen di pasar
reguler dan negosiasi sampai 20 Mei 2011.

 14:45 JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--PT Pertamina said Thursday it has managed to boost crude
  oil production in the Offshore Northwest Java block to 30,000 barrels a day
  from 21,000 b/d before it bought the block in 2009.
     The state-owned oil and gas company is the operator of the block, in which
  it bought a 46% stake from BP Plc (BP) for $280 million.
     Pertamina is also campaigning to take over from South Korea's Kodeco Energy
  Ltd. as operator of the Offshore West Madura block. The Indonesian company has
  said that it will invest up to $1 billion over the next five years if it's
  allowed to operate the block, boosting crude output to 30,000 b/d from 13,000
  b/d currently.

14:19 REMINDER:::Agenda 29 April 2011 Rups TGKA, GIAA, BLTA, AALI, Akhir tender offer SOBI Rp 3500 , Bank Tabungan Negara (BBTN IJ) is scheduled to announce its 1Q11 result, Lap Keu EXCL

11:53 Japfa Comfeed Indonesia (BUY/Rp3,525/Target: Rp4,175)
So Good Food’s spin-off will have minimal impact on earnings. The US$100m cash proceeds may be used for the next corporate action. (UOB)

Bank BTPN Tbk mencatatkan kenaikan laba bersih sebesar 76% menjadi Rp271,9 miliar pada kuartal I-2011 dari Rp154,6 miliar pada periode serupa 2010.


11:25 Dividen BRI sebesar Rp 70,04/ saham, tgl pencatatan 1 Juni 2011

BJBR reported net profit of 260.1bn in 1Q11 (+22.7% yoy), 22.8% of FY11 consensus estimates.
Loans grew by 29.1% yoy to Rp24.7tn, bringing LDR to increase slightly to 70.2% at end Mar11 compared with 69.9% at
end Mar10.
NPL increased to 2.4% at end Mar11 compared with 2.1% at end Mar10. This ,mainly came from commercial segment.
At current price, the stock is trading at 2011F PER of 11.5x and P/BV of 2.3x based on consensus estimates.

10:36 (BTPN IJ / BTPN.JK, OUTPERFORM - Upgraded, Rp2,600 - Tgt. Rp3,500, Banks

Agung Podomoro Cetak Laba Bersih Naik 494%


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