15:15 CS mulai buy back BUMI
14:50 italy sept manufacturing PMI output rise
14:48 greece approves $8.8 billion in austerity
Greece’s government pledged to fire workers as part of a 6.6 billion-euro ($8.8 billion) austerity package designed to help secure a rescue-loan payout and a second European Union-led bailout.
The steps outlined by Prime Minister George Papandreou’s administration would leave a 2012 budget deficit equivalent to 6.8 percent of gross domestic product, missing the 6.5 percent goal previously set with the EU, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, known as the troika. Troika inspectors agreed to the proposed 2012 budget.
14:28 State-owned pension funds and securities companies will intervension the equity market
13:18 Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) mengeluarkan kebijakan lalu lintas devisa terkait dengan penerimaan devisa hasil ekspor (DHE) dan devisa penarikan utang luar negeri (DULN).
Dengan kebijakan ini, eksportir diwajibkan menerima DHE melalui bank devisa di Indonesia. Demikian juga, debitur utang luar negeri diwajibkan menarik DULN melalui bank devisa di Indonesia.
Sesuai dengan UU No. 24 tahun 1999 mengenai Lalu Lintas Devisa dan Sistem Nilai Tukar, kebijakan ini tidak mewajibkan eksportir dan debitur untuk berapa lama menyimpan DHE dan DULN tersebut di perbankan dalam negeri dan/atau mengkonversikannya ke mata uang Rupiah.
"Kebijakan ini diyakini dapat meningkatkan kesinambungan pasokan devisa ke pasar valas domestik, sehingga ketergantungan terhadap dana jangka pendek yang bersifat spekulatif (hot money) berkurang dan nilai tukar Rupiah akan lebih stabil," ungkap Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Darmin Nasution dalam siaran persnya, Senin (3/10/2011).
13:11 DJ Bank Indonesia Issues Regulation On Domestic Placement Of Foreign Proceeds
11:44 Antm laba bersih 1.02 trilyun semester 1 2011..eps 107,48 naek 34% dibanding tahun lalu..
11:02 Indonesia September CPI +0.27% On Month; Mkt Expected +0.39%
DJ Indonesia September CPI +4.61% On Year; Mkt Expected +4.77%
10:51 BUMI : Debtwire.com has reported that the Bakrie's have a week to top up the BUMI PLC share backed USD 1.345bn loan. "The family has until the middle of next week to top up the USD 1.345bn loan collateral with cash or more shares, after the coverage fell below 120%." Further, the report highlights that if BUMI PLC falls below GBP8.40, then a mandatory requirement will be triggered
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