Selasa, 03 April 2012

Selasa 3 April 2012

14:14  Bsde sudah trade di 3.03 PBV at 1430 dan MDLN masih di 2.58 PBV at 485
MTLA at 435 trade di 2.44 PBV, ASRI 630 trade at 4.44 PBV
LPCK at 2550 trade at PBV 2.16
CLSA : DILD paling besar discount to NAV nya

11:06  MTLA NAV 1200.  Macquarie (RX)

10:36  RUMOURS: PROFIT SSIA NAIK SIGNIFIKAN! Asset Management dari Taiwan Fuh Hua borong saham ini hingga Rp1,200 melalui UOB Kay Hian dan Macquarie! (disclaimer ON)

10:19  Bumi Resources  [ PDF]
In search of “true earnings” 
BUMI IJ / BUMI.JK  |  TRADING BUY - Maintained  |  Share Price Rp2400 - Tgt. Rp2700 
Coal Mining  |  - by Erindra KRISNAWAN 
BUMI’s FY11 earnings came nowhere near our or consensus estimates because of higher-than-expected costs from restatements with the adoption of new, more conservative accounting policies. We believe upside still exists from deleveraging, driven by the new management. Core profit was 55% of our forecast and 60% of consensus. With the new accounting policies in place, our FY12-13 forecasts are lower, as is our target price, that is now based on a CY13 P/E of 11x vs. 10.2x before, to reflect lower WACC on CIC debt refinancing. Our Trading Buy call is maintained. 

10:01  •DBS Group akan tender offer BDMN Rp7000/saham
•ITMG akan bagi sisa Rp 2.506 per saham
•ITMG targetkan penjualan 27 juta ton di 2012
•Rugi bersih KBRI menurun 96%
•Laba bersih BAJA meningkat 223%
•Laba operasi ELTY turun 4%
•Laba bersih BORN meningkat 423%
•10 investor minati BCIC
•BBTN ajukan rasio dividen 20%
•ASJT targetkan Rp20 miliar dari rights issue
•SMGR usulkan dividen Rp 2 triliun
•AKRA raih kontrak penjualan batubara
•EXCL batalkan rencana penjualan menara
•SSIA raih komitmen penjualan lahan 50 ha
•BAJA targetkan penjualan naik 66%
•Laba SCMA mencapai Rp 912,5 milyar
•BBTN usulkan dividen 20% dari aba bersih 2011
•BBTN rencana terbitkan right issue dan obligasi
•PTPP catatkan kontrak baru Rp 1,03 triliun hingga 1Q12
•DSAA bukukan laba bersih USD 33,11 juta
•DGIK laba turun 88,7%

JAKARTA (IFT) - PT Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal Tbk (BORN) berhasil menaikkan laba hampir 40 kali lipat dari Rp 20,65 miliar pada semester I 2010 menjadi Rp 826,80 miliar pada semester I tahun ini.

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