14:48 Menteri Keuangan AS Timothy F. Geithner akan mendesak Cina untuk membiarkan suku bunga lebih tinggi pada pertemuan dengan pemimpin Cina pekan ini, seiring upaya AS mendorong agar Yuan menguat.
Geithner akan mengatakan Cina seharusnya mengendurkan kendali pada sistem keuangan, memberi akses lebih pada perbankan dan perusahaan asing dan mempermudah investor untuk membeli aset finansial Cina, diungkapkan oleh David Loevinger, dari Departemen Keuangan AS. Pejabat dari kedua negara mengadakan pertemuan di Washington hari ini dan besok dalam agenda tahunan Dialog Ekonomi dan Strategi.
14:10 AISA year end 2010,Sales 705 + 32%, Gross Profit 184 + 20%, Op Profit 126 + 23%, net income 75 +120 %, report Q1 2011
11:22 Insider: Schroders Fund Management masuk ke BBRI hari ini seiring di jadikannya BBRI adalah Saham perbankan TOP PICK mereka. 30% Portfolio Schroders kabarnya akan diisi oleh BBRI mengingat harga yang sudah under value.
10:52 CLSA : Research Today: Bakrieland, a landed opportunity
Sarina and Nick Cashmore looked at Bakrieland (ELTY IJ) as an attractive inflation hedge. ELTY’s stock price has been such a big laggard. At low single digit, Bakriland’s ROE is lower than its peers’. This is partly due to a series of capital raising, which translated into higher equity base.
However, the potential is massive. The company owns 16,000 ha of land but trades at a 25% discount to book value. Big leverage to rising property prices in greater Jakarta area.
In term of access, the local government has started construction of an access road that will open mid 2012. Monetizing assets will be the key to improving ROA and price performance.
Valuation looks very attractive at 0.8x P/B. NAV is Rp460/share, stock price offers 67% discount to our estimated NAV. At current share price, investors are paying US$4.10psm for the underlying land. The stock is one of the cheapest stocks in our property coverage. BUY.
09:41 REMINDER::::10 May 2011 Vallar Plc expects to complete a stake increase in BUMI,
9:28 yg suka saham lapis legit....DILD !
Cakep Nih, doji 3 x....uptrend lagi...
o ya jgn lupa ASRI ya...
09:20 Reminder: Jadwal Pembagian DEVIDEN
Tunai 2011
Kode Saham, Cum-date, Ex-date Keterangan
TRIO Dividend 6-May-11 9-May-11 Rp15 per saham
INTA Dividend 9-May-11 10-May-11 Rp56 per saham
EXCL Dividend 11-May-11 12-May-11 Rp107 per saham
SMCB Dividend 11-May-11 12-May-11 Rp23 per saham
LPGI Dividend 12-May-11 13-May-11 Rp112 per saham
BPFI Dividend 12-May-11 13-May-11 Rp10 per saham
AALI Dividend 20-May-11 23-May-11 Rp640 per saham
TGKA Dividend 24-May-11 25-May-11 Rp51 per saham
ADRO Dividend 27-May-11 1-Jun-11 Rp20,5 per saham
BBRI Dividend 27-May-11 30-May-11 Rp70,04 per saham
HRUM Dividend 30-May-11 31-May-11 Rp244.1 per saham
UNTR Dividend 31-May-11 1-Jun-11 Rp 270 per saham
ADMF Dividend 9-Jun-11 10-Jun-11 Rp954.14 per saham
AUTO Dividend Juni 11 Juni 11 Rp434 per saham
LPPF Dividend 10-Jun-11 13-Jun-11 Rp 32.25 per saham
LPPF Dividend 22-Aug-11 23-Aug-11 Rp 14 per saham
09:13 GJTL
(CC) Gajah Tunggal: 1Q11 net income of Rp332bn was equivalent to 35.2% and 43.1% of our and consensus estimates (GJTL, Rp2,450, Buy, TP: Rp3,000)
• GJTL booked 1Q11 net profit of Rp332bn (+34.6%yoy, +99.3%qoq), or equivalent to 35.2% and 43.1% of our and consensus estimates, supported by higher gain on forex.
• GJTL booked contracted gross margin at 14.8% vs. 19.9% in 1Q10. Operating profit booked at Rp281bn (-10.8%yoy). GJTL booked gain on forex of Rp128bn (+65.8%yoy). Note that GJTL has US$ denominated bonds with nominal value of US$435mn (maturing 21 Jul’14).
(CC)Indika Energy: Refinance bond wit 150bps lower coupon (INDY, Rp4,150, Buy, TP: Rp5,200)
▪ Indika has successfully refinanced its bond by issuing the debt amounting US$115mn due in 2018 with 150bps lower coupon rate of 7%, with regard of the exchange offer up to US$165mn for its existing Senior Notes 8.5% US$250mn due in 2012
▪ We expect that INDY will save around US$2mn from the refinancing transaction or only equivalent to around 1% from its bottom line
▪ Currently we have buy rating on the stock, INDY is traded at 12.5xPER11F
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