DILD, mulai pertengahan Maret bentuknya sdh Uptrend, dan saat ini di harga 350 an, adalah level bawah uptrend nya, bagi yg suka saham renyah, Buy DILD :D
tetep on track ELTY, ASRI :D
Happy Cuan ya..
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14:22 Bapepam Restui Bakrie & Brothers Kuasi Reorganisasi
Ketua Bapepam-LK Nurhaida, menilai setiap emiten dapat melakukan kuasi reorganisasi, termasuk Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR), asalkan memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan.
14:20 REMINDER:::UNSP: Vallar Plc disebut” akan membeli 15% saham UNSP, dan masuknya Vallar diduga bakal menambah cash flow UNSP setelah membeli PT Domba Mas, Laba Bersih 1Q diprediksi meroket 300% menjadi Rp 192 Miliar, karena lonjakan harga karet dn CPO
valsa adistri: UNSP is now trading at a 32% discount to its book value and more than a 69.5% discount to its NAVs. It is now trading at a p/e ratio of 17X its 2011 prospective earnings. Fair value based on an industrial PBV ratio of 2.2X is at IDR1,266 per share on a p/e ratio is at IDR522. It's a buy at any levels below 405.
13:39 From Maxi (analis Bnis) *Kinerja SSIA mencatat perkembangan yg sgt signifikan pada 1Q11
Pendapatan meningkat tajam menjadi Rp976,8 milyar pada 1Q11 dari Rp325,4 milyar pada 1Q10
Pada tahun ini SSIA menjual tanah kawasan industri Rp519,4 milyar.
Laba bersih melonjak tajam menjadi Rp127,7 milyar dari Rp3,3 milyar.
13:30 Beberapa RUMOR dahsyat yang "bikin bingung emiten ybs" yg beredar di market hari ini, sebaiknya hati-hati yaa.....: kalo emiten aja bingung... Apalagi sales equitynya..
Rumor: Bank of Tokyo akuisisi Bank Saudara (SDR) melalui tender offer di harga Rp300, senilai 2 kali nilai buku. Pelaksana aksi korporasi ini adalah UBS dan Kresna Securities. Disclaimer ON
Rumours Proses pelepasan 10% ADRO ke group astra dikabarkan tetap berjalan. ADRO dikabarkan bakal melepas 10% sahamnya diharga 2800 rupiah. (Source said) ... Disclaimer On
The delisting plan of the two big cap Indonesian companies Holcim Indonesia and Barito Pacific from Indonesian Stock Exchange was recovered late yesterday from the most widely accessed Indonesian online news portal, detik.com. While covering the interview with Eddy Sugito, IDX Listed Companies Evaluation Director, on the voluntary suspension of Anta Tour due to its delisting plan, it was indicated in the coverage that the two companies, Holcim and Barito, have also submitted their plans to delist from the exchange.
11:15 Inflasi China melambat pada April 2011 menjadi 5,3 persen dibandingkan dengan Maret sebelumnya yang ada di posisi 5,4 persen. Walau demikian, masih diatas consensus yaitu 5.2.
10:37 Jakarta - PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (IMAS) berencana menerbitkan saham baru dengan hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu (HMETD) alias rights issue di harga Rp 7.500-9.500 per lembar. Perseroan mengincar Rp 3,28 triliun dari aksi korporasi ini.
Seperti dikutip dari prospektus ringkas perseroan, Rabu (11/5/2011), harga pelaksanaan terendah Rp 7.500 tersebut diskon 11,76% dari harga penutupan kemarin di Rp 8.500 per lembar. Sementara harga tertingginya di Rp 9.500 per lembar, lebih mahal 11,76%.
Perseroan akan menerbitkan 345,659 juta lembar saham baru atau setara 25% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor perseroan. Setiap pemegang tiga saham lama perseroan berhak atas satu HMETD untuk membeli satu saham baru.
10:13 Clsa : switching born to brau
09:13 JPM :
Switch from SMGR/INTP into Property & Construction sector
Liliana Bambang (analyst) has downgraded rating on SMGR from O/W to U/W, saying there is 6% downside risk to FY11 consensus. Its sales volume is only up 1% yoy in 1Q11, while at best selling price may be hiked by 5% in FY11. So the Street’s 14% revenue growth could be looking optimistic, where Liliana is forecasting 9%. Big proportion of national growth in cement consumption is happening in Jakarta and West Java, where SMGR’s competitors Holcim (SMCB) and Indocement (INTP) have stronger preference.
09:10 Asian benchmark coal prices may rise 5.1 percent next quarter as the biggest importer Japan rebuilds ports and cities devastated by the March earthquake and tsunami, increasing demand for the fuel, Standard Chartered Plc said.
Coal shipped from Newcastle, Australia averaged $120.85 a metric ton in the week to May 6, according to data from Petersfield, England-based researcher IHS McCloskey. That’s a 12 percent rise over the past 12 months. Prices may average $124 this quarter and $127 in the third, Raymond Chan, an analyst with Standard Chartered in Singapore, forecast in a report today.
“Japanese utilities have been asking J-Power to provide more coal for summer demand,” Chan said. “As the rebuilding program progresses, this should eventually support demand and therefore Pacific coal prices.”
09:09 On the Calendar This Week:
WEDNESDAY: Weekly mortgage applications, international trade, oil inventories, Atlanta Fed president speaks, 10-year Treasury note auction, Cleveland Fed president speaks, Minneapolis Fed president speaks, Treasury budget, AIG IPO roadshow, Comcast shareholder meeting, Senate judiciary hearing on AT&T merger; earnings from Arcelor Mittal and Toyota before-the-bell, and Cisco and Symantec after-the-bell.
THURSDAY: PPI, retail sales, jobless claims, business inventories, 30-year Treasury bond auction, money supply, NPD video game sales, Ford shareholder meeting, options industry conference; earnings from Kohl's and Macy's before-the-bell, and Nordstrom after-the-bell.
FRIDAY: CPI, consumer sentiment, Transocean shareholder meeting; earnings from Petrobras after-the-bell.
09:08 Agenda 11 May 2011 Rups Wahana Ottomitra, TBIG, ACES, Cum Dev TCID 340, Cum Dev EXCL 107, Cum Dev SMCB 23, Cum Dev TRST 20
09:00 PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID), parent of Indonesia's second largest coal mining contractor PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), is nigh to launch a preemptive rights issue in a bid to put down its leverage.
For sure, Delta Dunia, which is indirectly owned by Texas Pacific Group, Government of Singapore's Investment Corporation, and China Investment Corporation, urgently requires an equity injection to underpin its expansion strategy.
If you compare with the leverage of PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR), parent of Indonesia's largest coal mining contractor PT Pamapersada Nusantara, DOID's debt to equity ratio (DER) is 5 folds higher than United Tractors's DER, a measure that calculates a company's leverage.
In tandem with the proposed rights issue, DOID is underway to seal a new loan facilities to refinance existing of US$600 million which was secured in November. At what price the rights issue? and how much the size?
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