Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Selasa 27 Maret 2012

14:25  Demo aman, DPR sudah serahkan kepada Pemerintah u/ masalah BBM, khabarnya S&P minggu ini akan berikan peringkat investment grade u/ Indonesia, dan minggu ini diperkirakan semua report emiten sudah diserahkan ke BEI dan public (yang rata2 reportnya cukup memuaskan), kira2 itulah alasan investor u/ memutuskan belanja saham hari ini..., sehingga ihsg naik signifikan

11:58  MTLA -- bahana bikin target 1016.Outlook & valuation: Trading at 65% disc to its NAV/share
Having a wide ranging target market, a strategic site in West Jakarta and additional commercial projects to increase recurring incomes will mean sustainable earnings growth for MTLA going forward.  Internal valuation of the company’s assets at end 2011 was IDR7.7t, translating to IDR1,016/ share. At current price, MTLA is trading at 65% discount to its value/share and 2012 PE of 15.2x, 34% discount to the sector’s 23.1x 2012 PE.

10:55 PDI Perjuangan membatalkan keikutsertaan simpatisannya di daerah untuk bergabung dalam demonstrasi menolak kenaikan harga BBM di Jakarta. Pembatalan dilakukan karena partai khawatir rombongan simpatisan dari luar Jakarta akan disusupi.

10:25  " Hasil rups Bumi Plc "- Memberi kewenamgan kepada Mr Samin Tan untuk mengatur segala sesuatu yg dianggap perlu. Definis dr ini semua terlihat Rostchild dan bakrie setuju bahwa Samin tan di anggap mumpuni untk mengendalikan bumi plc. Ini jg terlihat saham Bakrie mulai ada geliat menunjuk ke arah positive. Buy BORN BUMI BRAU BRMS

10:22  Medco Energi: FY11 net income above our and consensus estimates

(MEDC, Rp2,075, Buy, TP: Rp3,050)

·         Medco Energi (MEDC) booked net income of US$85.1mn (+23.0%yoy, +8.3%qoq), higher than our (212.7%) and consensus estimate. This is mainly due to a gain in sales of subsidiary of about US$78mn and sizable other income. In 4Q11, MEDC effectively sold some of its assets, namely Tunisia and some parts of Medco Power at attractive price.
·         Operational wise, the result is relatively inline with our estimate, while above consensus. We have yet operational data, but we suppose higher oil price supported MEDC FY11 results.
·         We still maintain Buy on MEDC, currently traded at EV/2P US$4.8/boe, and PER12F 13.2x

0944: JAKARTA - The directors of London-listed Bumi PLC, one of the world's largest coal-mining companies, Monday approved changes in the company's board and management along the lines of what key Indonesian investors demanded last month following a dispute with Bumi's main European investor, Nat Rothschild.
Two people familiar with the decisions said that the restructuring of the board and management at Bumi went in accordance with what had been agreed last month and widely reported at the time. Under the new changes, the billionaire Bakrie family's Indra Bakrie will step down as chairman and will be succeeded by Indonesian coal magnate Samin Tan.
Meanwhile, Mr. Rothschild is to relinquish his position as co-chairman.

Energi Mega (ENRG) - PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PLN are renegotiating the gas selling price from ONWJ field, effectively 18.7% owned by ENRG through recent (December 2011) purchase.  Currently, ONWJ's selling price to PLN is US$2.8 for the first 100 mmscfd and US$5.8 for the next 20 mmscfd. ONWJ's total production is between 180-210 mmscfd. Pertamina is asking for the price to be revised up to US$6.5/mmbtu, after obtaining the go-ahead from BPMigas, according to Mr. Suryadi Mardjoeki division head at BPMigas. PLN is negotiating a new price of between US$5 and US$6 per mmbtu.

My take - on our 29 Dec 2011 research note, we have flagged that the ONWJ acquisition may lift our ENRG's proportionate EBITDA estimate by 38% and EPS by 29% for FY12F, based on a zero growth assumption for the newly acquired asset. If the selling price is being lifted from US$2.8 to US$5.0 (conservatively), then our zero growth assumption for ONWJ will obviously be too low. We are excited with the prospect of ENRG surprising the market positively when it reports 1Q12 results, the first quarter of ONWJ consolidation into its financials. Buy.

Berita di media masa hari ini:
BNI to issue US$500 million bondsPosted: 25 Mar 2012 08:19 PM
The state-controlled PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) will issue dollar bonds up to US$500 million, said one official.
The bank has appointed Credit Suisse AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Morgan Stanley as the joint lead arrangers.

The deal roadshow is scheduled end of April and expected to complete first week of May.  "Yes we've planned to issue global bonds in near time. Last Wednesday is the kick off meeting for the plans," Bank Negara's Corporate Secretary, Tribuana Tunggadewi told The Insider Stories.

She said, the bank haven't decided yet the tenor and the prices of the bonds. Previously, BNI's CEO Gatot Soewondo said the bank plans to issue the global bonds for the bank reserves to anticipate the higher loans demand and business expansion. This year, BNI expects the net profit grow 30% and loans growth up to 20% from last year.
Rapat umum pemegang saham Bank BJB Tbk
menyetujui pembagian dividen senilai Rp61,07 per lembar saham dengan total mencapai Rp592 miliar atau rasionya 62,5% terhadap laba perseroan tahun lalu sebesar Rp962,7 miliar.

Jakarta - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) telah menerbitkan medium term notes XVI (MTN XVI) senilai Rp100 miliar

IGAR bagikan dividen final Rp 75 per saham
JAKARTA. PT Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk (IGAR) akan membagikan dividen final tahun 2011 senilai Rp 72,915 miliar atau setara Rp 75 per saham. Pembayaran dilakukan pada 2 Mei mendatang.


Tuesday (27/03) Early BIRD Fundamental Prespective (Edwin Sebayang-MNC Securities)

Ditengah secara tidak terduga terjadi penurunan Pending Home Sales bln February sebesar 0.5% mjd 96.5, ke 3 Index di Wall Street ternyata ditutup NAIK TAJAM rata2 +1.44% dmn Dow Naik +160.9 poin (+1.23%), diikuti turunnya The CBOE Volatility Index ditutup mendekati level 14, setelah US Fed Chairman Bernanke mengatakan akan menerapkan relaksasi kebijakan moneter untuk menyediakan Lapangan Pekerjaan yg lebih besar agar Tingkat Pengangguran bisa diturunkan dari level saat ini 8.3% dimana menurut ES sebenarnya tidak ada yang baru mengenai statement Bernanke tsb, hanya at least memperlihatkan komitmennya kembali mendukung perbaikan Sektor Tenaga Kerja.

Bagaimana kondisi Bursa Indonesia ditengah "katanya" akan dilakukan Demo besar-besaran (bukan Demo Masak ya guys) yg akan dilakukan Selasa ini? ES memperkirakan Bursa Indonesia berpeluang MENGUAT dlm perdagangan Selasa ini mengingat akan dikerahkannya sebanyak 22,000 polisi (diluar tentara) untuk mengamankan aktivitas demo tsb dan ES melihat SANGAT KECIL kemungkinan akan terjadi peristiwa spt thn 1998 karena kondisi saat ini jauh berbeda baik dari sisi ekonomi maupun Polkam. Therefore, melihat sangat siapnya pihak Aparat Keamanan, menurut ES ada opportunity bagi nasabah MNC Securities untuk "memungut kembali" saham2 berfundamental bagus, terlebih jika harganya terjadi penurunan ditengah tajamnya kenaikan Dow Jones semalam.

DOW 13241.63 +1.23%
NASDAQ 3122.57 +1.78%
S&P 1416.51 +1.39%
OIL 107.11 +0.22%
GOLD 1689.6 +1.64%
NICKEL 18130. -0.28%
TIN.22500. +1.24%
CPO. 3482. +0.35% 
TLK.30.11 (Rp.6905)
IIT.27.85 (Rp.5110)
IDR. 9170

Tuesday IDX Range: 4008-4058


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