Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

16:10  DJ Indonesia Govt Sells IDR9.4 Tln Bonds At Auction Vs IDR7 Tln Target

15:27  JAKARTA (AFP)--A strong magnitude 6.5 earthquake occurred off Indonesia's
  Bengkulu province Tuesday, local geologists said, but there was no immediate
  report of damage or tsunami warning issued.
     The quake struck at a depth of 10 kilometers, 547 kilometers south-west of
  Bintuhan in Bengkulu at 2:36 p.m. (0734 GMT), according to Indonesia's
  geophysics agency.
     Indonesia is located on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" where the meeting of
  continental plates causes seismic activity, and Sumatra is particularly prone
  to earthquakes.  

11:09  REMINDER::: Lap Keu BNBR akan direlease tgl 18/19 Agustus 2011; BNBR Diharapkan Cetak Laba Bersih sebanyak Rp24 milyar dibanding rugi bersih ditahun2 sebelumnya.



10:25   Hari ini lelang SUN 7 T ... Result akan ketahuan jam 3 an...
Laporan keuangan BUMI jumat kalo tidka sabtu akan di realise..

09:55  foreigners net buy 91 billion

09:23  Kawasan Industri Jababeka (KIJA) – Short prospectus out on the local press. The company is issuing 6,036 million new shares (around 30% of enlarged capital) at Rp250/share (a premium to last close of Rp191), to raise around Rp1.5trn. Last week, the company announced the plan to acquire a 100% stake in PT Banten West Java tourism (BWJ) and a 21.6% stake in PT Tanjung Lesung Leisure industry (TLI), for Rp1.5trn. BWJ already owns a 78.4% stale in TLI, so post the acquisition KIJA will direct and indirectly own 100% of both BWJ and TLI. EGM will be held on 21 September, ex-date on 28 September

Zelamat Pagee dari Universal Broker Indonesia, 16 Agustus 2011

Sentimen positif dari kenaikan yang terjadi pada indeks Dow Jones Industrial diperkirakan akan membuat IHSG melanjutkan trend naik yang tengah berlangsung. IHSG hari ini diperkirakan akan bergerak naik pada kisaran 3925-4065. Melihat posisi terakhir dari indeks DJI yang masih cukup jauh dari kisaran resisten 11700-12000, potensi kenaikan sebenarnya terlihat masih ada. Akan tetapi, pemodal yang hari ini akan melakukan posisi beli simpan sebaiknya tetap waspada karena besok bursa kita libur Hari Kemerdekaan. Spec Buy: PTBA, BBRI, SMGR.

Hi, Adaro reported net earnings of US$268 mn in 1H11, jumped 104% YoY supported by higher sales volume (+10.4% YoY) and ASP (+23% YoY). Net revenue rose by 36% YoY to US$1.8bn, while EBITDA up by 37% YoY to US$626mn.Production volume reached 22.8mn ton in 1H11, or represents 48.5% of our FY11 target. However, cost pressure remain high, with cash cost increased by 23% to US$40/ton due to higher planned ratio, longer overburden hauling distances a|D rising fuel cost. Overall, 1H11 results were inline expectation. Maintain our BUY with px target Rp2,800/share.

The CBOE Volatility Index, widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, tumbled more than 10 percent to trade near 31. GETTING STABLE DOW nya ....

KIJA will issue 6bio new shares @ 250. 500 old shares will receive 219 rights.\

PERSONAL VIEW on 16.08.11
Euphoria penguatan market AS + Eropa serta wacana bbrp Foreign House utk menaikkan bobot kepemilikan saham di kawasan negara2 berkembang -termasuk Indonesia- memberikan sentimen positif thdp pergerakan bursa Asia. Dr CNBC, diberitakan bbrp milyuner & hedge funds bsr tlh mulai melakukan aksi 'switcXing'0portfolio mrk terutama saham2 berbasis banking & technology.

Ditutup menguat 1.78% di posisi 3960.02, didukung oleh penurunan value sebesar Rp. 4.69Tn dgn perpindahan saham sebanyak 680jt lembar saham, nett sell foreign yg menyusut sisa Rp. 2Milyar.  Nilai tukar rupiah thdp dolar AS kmrn menguat tipis 0.12% menjadi Rp.8544. Kembali, saham berbasis manufacture,finance & mining kmrn mjd leading movers terutama di putaran sesi ke dua.

Prediksi rentang pergerakan indeks hari berada di 3938-4005 Dengan level psikologis indeks berada di posisi 3930. Kenaikan indeks msh akan berlanjut ditengarai dgn penguatan harga komoditas, rencana Pemerintah memberikan Tax Holiday kpd 5sektor industri dgn investasi min.Rp.1Tn,  lelang SUN senilai Rp. 7Tn serta libur bursa utk merayakan hari kemerdekaan RI. 

Mirip dgn perdagangan bursa kmrn, saham Manufactur (ASII, IMAS, GJTL), Finance (BMRI, BBRI,BBNI), Mining (ITMG, PTBA, BUMI, ADRO, PGAS, UNTR) msh akan menjadi buruan para investor asing. Consumer goods(UNVR, GGRM, MAPI, MYOR) & Agri(AALI,SGRO) spt biasanya akan ikut menyemarakkan perdagangan saham menjelang hari raya.  

Bagi investor retails, pilihan investasi atas second liners stocks yg memiliki fundamental & growth bss positive dgn potensi return optimal(MASA, ADMG, ANTM, TINS, ENRG,RUIS, BNBR, CPIN, AISA, MPPA, RALS, BWPT,ASRI, PWON).

JCI for todaH3A
Support:         3819;  3890
Resistance:    4005;4063
USD/IDR:       8525-8545

"Selamat berkarya & berinvestasi...."
(By: Cynthia. Source: BN, CNBC, BI, Kontan)

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