Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Senin 8 Agustus 2011

15:52  REMINDER::: Lippo Cikarang (LPCK.IJ, BUY) – Hidden jewel

We are reinitiating coverage on Lippo Cikarang with a BUY recommendation and a target price Rp2,400, which offers 105% upside potential. A well-known industrial estate developer in eastern Jakarta, the company is the main beneficiary of the rising inflow of foreign direct investment in Indonesia. Low valuation multiples, a deep discount to NAV, and strong land sales in a mid-cycle industrial estate boom have strengthened our conviction about the stock.

Ricardo Silaen, CFA

15:31  Petualangan M Nazaruddin berakhir. Pria yang sukses membuat suhu politik di Indonesia mendidih itu kini telah tertangkap. Nazaruddin dibekuk Interpol saat hendak keluar dari Kolombia.

"Ditangkapnya saat yang bersangkutan akan keluar dari negara itu," kata Menko Polhukuma Djoko Suyanto saat menggelar jumpa pers di kantor presiden, Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, Senin (8/8/2011).

15:14  Bank Sentral Eropa (ECB)  mulai Senin akan membeli atas obligasi Spanyol dan Italy, sementara Korea Selatan, Jepang plus G-20 countries mengatakan tetap percaya atas instrument keuangan AS dan akan mem-back up sepenuhnya.

Warren Buffett mengatakan, perekonomian AS tdk akan kembali terkena resesi lagi. "Sangat jelas apa yang terjadi di pasar saham karena kepercayaan dan aksi jual itu karena kurangnya kepercayaan," kata Chairman dan Chief Executive Officer Berkshire Hathaway Inc ini adlh pemegang saham terbesar Moody's Corp, induk usaha lembaga rating Mood'ys Investor Service. Buffett mengakui tidak bergantung pd rating yg dibuat perusahaan tertentu jk ingin bertransaksi.

Yang terpenting adlh apa dampak US Downgrade terhadap Indonesia?  melihat dgn pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia Q 2/2011 mencapai 6.5%, Ekspor Juni tertinggi dlm sejarah dan sdh berada diatas USD200 miliar, Cadangan devisa mencapai USD122.7 miliar & rata2 pertumbuhan EPS Q2/2011 yg mencapai 25% maka diperkirakan Bursa Indonesia dpt bertahan dr volatility tajam yg terjadi Senin, terlebih pilihan tempat bagi Hedge Fund/Fund Manager asing utk berinvestasi semakin terbatas dan Indonesia adlh salah satu yg mereka tuju shg tidak heran, seperti yg dikatakan Dr. Rahmat Waluyanto-Dirjend Surat Utang Negara-Depkeu, Indonesia akan kebanjiran Capital Inflow.

Jk tjd aksi panic selling, gunakan kesempatan tsb utk Buy saham krn berdasarkan 2 kali pengalaman, Subprime Mortgage dan Kasus Lehman Brothers, Bursa Indonesia justru membukukan kenaikan Bursa tertinggi didunia.

14:31 DJ Stoxx Europe 600 Now Positive +0.7%; Banks Lead The Gains

14:29  DJ UPDATE: G-20 Nations Say Ready For Joint Action To Stabilize Markets
  -- G-20 finance ministers, central bank heads issue joint communique
     -- G-20 nations ready to take coordinated action to stabilize markets
     -- G-20 nations agree euro-zone efforts to contain sovereign debt problems
  need to be implemented as fast as possible, said South Korea's deputy finance
     (Updates with comments from G-20 communique in third paragraph, comments
  from South Korea Deputy Finance Minister about G-20 discussions, Korea's
  position on Treasurys and foreign capital flows in fourth-seventh paragraphs)
        By Se Young Lee     Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES

14:11 DOW fut minus 142

14:07  hangseng minusnya berkurang menjadi minus 2.4

14:06  Tasrul Tanar: ayo belanja

13:53  S+p -22 dr -32

13:52  hangseng minus berkurang skrg minus 3.17 pct td 4 pct

13:23 Group of Seven nations sought to head off a collapse in investor confidence after the U.S. sovereign- rating cut and a slump in Italian and Spanish debt intensified threats to the global economy.

G-7 finance ministers and central bank governors pledged in a statement to “take all necessary measures to support financial stability and growth.” Officials will inject liquidity and act against disorderly currency moves as needed, they said after a call late yesterday European time.

13:15  follow Asian markets lower at the open following S&P's downgrade of US government debt, but losses are likely limited by hopes the ECB will move to buy Italian and Spanish debt.

12:03  Saham korea selatan di suspend setelah turun 7%..apakah jurus warrent buffet berlaku?takut di saat orang berani dan berani di saat org takut?

11:21   F net sale 379 M

10:51  (Dow Jones)--The Group of 20 leading economies will issue statements Monday in France regarding its commitment to preventing "panic" in global financial markets following Friday's one-notch cut in U.S. creditworthiness by Standard & Poor's, an Indonesian government official said Monday.
Bambang Brodjonegoro, head of the fiscal policy board at the Ministry of Finance, also said the G-20 "appreciates all the measures taken by the U.S. and European governments" to address any problems stemming from the downgrade.

10:12   F netsale 286 M

10:11  nikkei minus 121.

Maaf internet putus tadi pagi..

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