Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Senin 06 Feb 2012

14:33  BLTA pada akhir bulan lalu memutuskan menghentikan sementara pembayaran pinjaman bank, obligasi, dan ship lease. Pada tahun ini, pembayaran pokok pinjaman yang harus dibayar perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi laut sebesar US$418 juta.
Selain obligasi, emiten dengan kode BLTA ini memiliki utang pada sejumlah bank di domestik dan luar negeri. Dalam laporan keuangan triwulan III/2011, utang tersebut diberikan a.l.BNI, Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia, Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Hg akhir Sept 2011, outstanding piutang BNI di BLTA tercatat US$35,29 juta. Pinjaman diberikan sejak Maret 2010 dengan nilai Rp337 miliar dan jatuh tempo sampai Maret 2012. Pada September 2011, BNI menambah pinjaman ke BeLTAsebesar Rp70,66 miliar yang memilki masa JT sept 2016.

15:35  JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BBNI.JK) expects 2011 net profit to have risen by at least 30% from IDR4.1 trillion in 2010 due to higher net interest income and lower operating costs, BNI Chief Executive Gatot Soewondo told reporters Monday.
"Lower cost of funds also contributed to the increase in our net profit," Soewondo said.
Soewondo expects the bank's net profit and net interest income this year to also increase by at least 30%, without specifying

09:52  BMRI's
2011 NI is 11.9T. DBS Vickers' projection (and concensus estimate) is 12.2T. BMRI's analyst meeting due today should give more details

BW Plantation  [ PDF ]
A fruitful acquisition
BWPT IJ / BWPT.JK  |  TRADING BUY - Trading Call  |  Share Price Rp1300 - Tgt. Rp1700
Plantations  |  - by Erwan TEGUH / Erisca WIRAATMADJA
BW is on the verge of acquiring an estate that would add some 12% to its planted area and 12% to its land bank. We take a positive view of this potential deal as it would lift the group’s growth post FY13. Upgrade from Neutral to Trading Buy. Given the scarcity of land bank, such a deal would be well-received. We raise FY11-13 EPS to reflect the latest output guidance while increasing NAV from Rp1,875 to Rp2,125 because of a lower cost of debt. This raises our target price to Rp1,700, still set at a 20% discount to NAV.

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