Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Senin 25 Juni 2012

15:37   Spain says aims to complete bailout MOU before July 9 (bear in mind that July 9 is the expected start date of the ESM + seniority issues...)

15:17  REMINDER: 26 Juni

14:40 Dow Fut -72

14:13  CLSA on KLBF
·         Kalbe’s ability to sustain its strong volume growth in 2Q provides more evidence on its rewarding marketing strategy.
·         Both prescription and nutritional business have been able to maintain ~15-20% volume growth, with the growth accelerating for its consumer health segment.
·         Weakening IDR might be a challenge, yet we see limited downside to margins given the fact that 1) they have raised prices by 3-5% across divisions so far this year and 2) they plan to raise prices 3-5% more in 3Q for its prescription business should rupiah weaken further.
·         Our sensitivity analysis suggests 9% downside risk to earnings for every 5% Rupiah depreciation (barring any price hike or lower commodity prices, which is less likely to be the case).
·         The company enjoys strong brand equity. The company has been able to maintain its market share in its OTC segment at ~13-15%. This is despite the fact that Kalbe’s products price point is about 10-20% higher than peers’.
·         VALUATION: KLBF trades at 17.6x 13CL PE and 4.4x 13CL PB.

Bank Jatim (Not Listed): IPO is 70% Absorbed by Domestic Investors
Bisnis Indonesia daily reported that local investors have absorbed 70% of 2.98 billion of Bank Jatim shares that are undergoing IPO. According to the article, no foreign investors have expressed their interest in Bank Jatim IPO so far. Bank Jatim management stated that it remains optimistic that the IPO will be fully subscribed by the market despite the current uncertainties in the global economy.

Sales commentary: Bank Jatim is selling 20% of its stake to the public, where the book building period was set on June 19-26. The IPO is set on July 3-5 and the bank will be listed on the IDX on July 11, 2012. The IPO price range was set at Rp430-670 per share.

11:21  ENRG akan terus mengembangkan blok Kangean di Jawa timur.  dari blok ini sudah
mengalir gas sebnyak 300-315 juta stadar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Namun
demikian belum dipastikan berapa jumlah produksi yang ditingkatkan  dari blok

 REMINDER: BRMS-W Exercise Periode 9 Juni 2011 - 07 Desember 2012 Harga Exercise 700.... siap siap simpen kenang kenangan

Berita2 dari Media Massa & Emiten:
Jepang ingin optimalkan kerja sama geothermal

Jepang ingin mengoptimalkan kerja sama dengan Indonesia dalam bidang geothermal atau panas bumi, yakni sebagai upaya mencari tenaga pembangkit energi bagi negeri Sakura tersebut.
KINERJA EMITEN: Midi Utama bagikan dividen Rp7,9 miliar ⁠ (12:58)
10:52  REMINDER: BRMS-W Exercise Periode 9 Juni 2011 - 07 Desember 2012 Harga Exercise 700.... siap siap simpen kenang kenangan

TANGERANG-- PT Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk membagikan dividen tunai tahun buku 2011 sebesar Rp7,9 miliar atau Rp2,74 per saham. Jumlah dividen pertama kali tersebut setara dengan 25% dari total laba bersih yang dikantongi perseroan sepanjang tahun lalu sebesar Rp31,62 miliar.
LPPF bidik kenaikan laba bersih 17% di 2012

JAKARTA. PT Matahari Department Store (LPPF) [0 -2500 (-100,0%)] optimis laba bersih di tahun ini bisa naik 17% dibanding tahun lalu. Itu artinya, perusahaan menargetkan laba bersih bisa mencapai Rp 544,75 miliar
Matahari Depstore Tak Bagi Dividen

JAKARTA - PT Matahari Departement Store Tbk (DSS) tidak membagikan dividen karena keuntungan perseroan akan digunakan untuk ekspansi perusahaan.

"Telah disepakati tidak ada dividen yang dibagi untuk tahun buku 2011. Laba tahun lalu sebesar Rp 465,7 miliar kami manfaatkan untuk memperbanyak penambahan gerai baru tahun ini. Dari semula rencana sebanyak sembilan gerai, kini kami tingkatkan menjadi 12 sampai 15 gerai," ujar Chief Financial Officer LPPF, Richard Gibson, di Jakarta, Jumat.

 BKSL Placement

Pagi ini berita tentang BKSL santer di bicarakan.
CITI GROUP akan melakukan private placement. Berita yang kami dapat bahwa penjualan tsb akan di tutup hingga jam 11 malam nanti. harga berkisar rp 225 - 250.
Yang jelas ini hanya special untuk nasabah Citi Group

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