Rabu, 05 September 2012

Rabu 5 Sept 2012

16:28  INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Setelah mengganti bidang bisnis menjadi pertambangan batu bara dari bisnis restoran, PT Eatertainment International Tbk (SMMT) akhirnya mengganti nama menjadi PT Golden Eagle Energy Tbk.

Demikian mengutip keterbukaan informasi di BEI, Rabu (5/9/2012). Perseroan telah mendapatkan persetujuan penggantian nama menjadi PT Golden Eagle Energy Tbk pada 15 Agustus 2012.

Perseroan selama ini menggerakkan jaringan restoran dengan bendera Amigos dan Papa Rons.

15:51   Pada hari ini, 5 September 2012 Divisi Pengawasan Transaksi PT Bursa Efek Indonesia mengumumkan adanya Unusual Market Activity (UMA) atas Saham PT Petrosea  Tbk (PTRO).

stock Pick   : ERAA
saham ERAA ini, punya tahanan support bagus di garis biru (harga rata2 60 hari yi di 2000).
apakah akan reversal naik lagikah? Semoga !

14:01  *S&P Raises PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. Rtg To B- From CCC+; Off Watch; Outlk Stable

11:16  PRAS kelilingan

10:42   *Bank Mandiri Target Raised To IDR9,350 From IDR7,650 By Citi

10:28  CLSA Indo Morning Call -Wed5Sep- ASII, GGRM, MDRN, ISAT,PTBA


- Indo traded lower yday led by selling in the Bakrie related names bringing  index back to the 4100 levels. With overnight markets trading lower on the  back of weak PMI expect another weak trading day as Indo look to the region  for guidance with not much in the way of leading news on shore.

- ASII/IMAS: Indicative Toyota's Aug 2W sales saw a 29% fall MoM while Suzuki  also down 30% MoM all due to the seasonally shorter working days

- MDRN/MIDI: 7-Eleven (MDRN) and Lawson (MIDI) face being shut down after the  lack the proper permit to sell retail goods according to Ministry of Trade

- CIGGIES: Excise tax for next year will be raised by 7-10%. Merlissa have in  her model for GGRM a hike of between 8-9%.

- ISAT: obtains 3G license on 900MHz band which will help improve data revenues.

- PTBA: obtain $1.13bn loan commitment for the construction of the $1.5bn,  2x620MW mine mouth power plant in South Sumatra with the remainder coming  from internal cash.


10:09  DBS Today's View: September 5, 2012

Our research comments on
* PTBA receives US$1.13b loan

*** Bukit Asam (PTBA) received US$1.13bn loan from China Development Bank (CDB) to build mine-mouth coal-fired power plants in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra .

*** PTBA plans to use the proceeds to finance 75% of project costs of US$1.5bn with the remaining US$375m from internal cash.

*** The construction of the project will start in 2013 and will be completed within 2-3 years. PTBA has 45% stake in the JV with China Huadian Corporation (CHD-55% stake) to operates the power plants.

*** We believe this project is the largest power plant project for PTBA on top of its several smaller power projects and may secure future demand for its coal as it will be designed to use coal produced in Tanjung Enim. Maintain Buy, Rp20,000TP


Ari Santosa
Local Institutional Sales Trader
DBS, Living, Breathing Asia


• PTBA joint venture dengan Huadian, Cina untuk proyek PLTU
• Harga jual rata-rata batubara PTBA naik
• SMMT selesaikan akuisisi 2 perusahaan tambang
• PGAS jajaki ekspansi bisnis ke Amerika Serikat
• BJTM optimistis peroleh laba operasional Rp 1,2 triliun
• BNGA akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan asuransi umum
• BBNI targetkan penguasaan pasar trade finance 10%
• ADMF akan jaminkan 50% asset untuk pinjaman
• ADMF kaji emisi obligasi Rp 3 triliun
• Pembiayaan ADMF hingga Agustus tumbuh 3%
• Laba CFIN tumbuh 27%
• Lawson (MIDI) dan 7-Eleven (MDRN) harus memperbaiki izin
• Perusahaan afiliasi UNVR, dan TPIA insentif tax holiday


09:40  BUMI engga ada asing di seller side

SALES VIEW on 05.09.12
Bursa global kembali bergerak 'choppy' dan pelaku pasar mencermati swing market yg lbh banyak dipengaruhi oleh 'headline news' spekulasi pembelian obligasi + donasi dana bailout utk negara Spanyol & Italia, penurunan rating prospek utang Uni Eropa mjd negatif dari pemeringkat Moody's, slowdown pertum buhan ekonomi yg dicermikan oleh turunnya data manufakturing di China & AS.  

Dari sektor komoditas, akibat kekeringan yg tjd harga jual Soybeans kembali naik 1.9% menembus harga tertinggi $17.89 bushel, sementara Nickel kembali turun lbh dr 2%, kontraksi harga jual Gold tjd seiring dipicu (lagi2) spekulasi pemberian stimulus.

Tiga negara produsen karet dunia(Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia)sepakat utk menguari ekspor karet mulai tgl 1 Sept'12, putusan ini mjd pendorong kenaikan harga karet, di Singapura senin kmrn kenaikan harga kontrak September mencapai US$2.56 (+5%) dibanding hari sebelumnya & diprediksi akan melanjutkan kenaikan harga.   

Mskpn msh rentan koreksi, harga jual batu bara ikut terapresiasi mengekor kondisi pasar uang global + kenaikan harga minyak mentah & komoditas lain. Peluang rebound kembali terbuka jk nilai tukar mata uang China & India menguat thdp dolar AS.

Dari bursa lokal, penutupan IHSG kmrn turun 0.31% mjd 4105.25 dgn koreksi dihampir seluruh sektor kecuali Infrastructure. Nilai transaksi yg tipis Rp.3.01Tn, pelaku pasar merespons negatif atas peristiwa yg berlangsung di Global sementara Nilai tukar Rupiah ikut melemah, kurs tengah kmrn turun 0.07% mjd Rp.9578/per dolar AS. 

Prediksi trend melemahnya indeks hari ini berpeluang bergerak dikisaran 4086-4140. Cermati pergerakan saham ASII, IMAS, KLBF, BBRI, MYOR, CMNP, WIKA, MDLN.

JCI for today:
Support.    : 4072; 4043
Resistance: 4128; 4152
USD/IDR.   : 9573-9588  

"Selamat berkarya & berinvestasi"
(By: Cynthia. Source: BN, CNBC, BI, Kontan)

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