Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Senin 01 Agustus 2011

Selamat menunaikan ibadah Puasa, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin...:-)
15:55 DOID
Significant increase of depreciation expenses rose by 35%yoy or 103%qoq up to Rp629bn, mainly caused by its double declining method while at capex expansion phase
Surge of operating expenses around 55%yoy or 95%qoq up to Rp201bn due to significant increase of salaries, and overhead following new accounting treatment
One-off charge from loan refinancing amounting Rp156bn
Other expenses like derivative loss Rp23bn with regard to its interest rate swap transaction and loss on sale of subsidiary amounting Rp6bn.. TP. Rp1400..One-off charge from loan refinancing amounting Rp156bn (jgn lupa ya)

13:44  (F) ELTY : (1) memiliki BKSL : 5%, (2) pengembangan jonggol (3) membutuhkan dana ekpansi sekitar 500 bio - 1 T. (4) NAV : 450 (note : harga saham property saat ini, umumnya sktr 1.5 kali NAV).

13:38  Elty yg punya bksl 5%, malah diem2.
Pdhl property saat ini, harga sahamnya, umumnya 1.5 kali NAV lho...

11:58  Remainder Pengembang Properti Panen Untung Rata-rata di Atas 100%

Whery Enggo Prayogi : detikFinance

detikcom - Jakarta, Pengembang properti tengah menikmati panen untung karena harga perumahan dan apartemen terus mengalami kenaikan signifikan sejak awal tahun.
Para emiten properti yang mencatatkan sahamnya di pasar modal pun telah menikmati kenaikan keuntungan bersih rata-rata 105,49% sepanjang semester I-2011.

Berdasarkan data laporan keuangan semester I-2011 delapan emiten properti besar yang tercatat di situs Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), seperti dikutip detikFinance di Jakata, Minggu (31/7/2011) terlihat mencatat pertumbuhan laba bersih yang signifikan.

11:44   Fitch Affirms and Withdraws MNC Finance's 'BBidn)' Rating

Fitch Ratings-Jakarta/Singapore-29 July 2011: Fitch Ratings has affirmed MNC Finance's (formerly known as Bhakti Finance) National Long-Term rating at 'BBidn)' with Negative Outlook and simultaneously withdrawn the rating.

The rating has been withdrawn as it is no longer considered by Fitch to be relevant to the agency's coverage.

The rating reflects Fitch's expectations for loan quality pressures to moderate, on the back of improving asset quality and an expanding loan portfolio of low-risk used car financing. The Negative Outlook reflects the company's linkage with its ultimate shareholder, PT Bhakti Investama Tbk, as its majority-owned subsidiary. The Outlook takes into account the possible impact on MNC Finance if there is a  significant deterioration in the parent's financial profile.

Established in 1989, MNC Finance is a finance company providing automotive, heavy equipment, electronics, and mortgage financing. The company is wholly-owned by PT Bhakti Capital Indonesia, a financial services holding company of the Bhakti Investama Group.

Fitch will no longer provide analytical coverage or ratings of the issuer.

Primary Analyst
Iwan Wisaksana
Associate Director
+62 21 2902 6406
PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia

11:18  *DJ Indonesia July CPI +4.61% On Year; Mkt Expected +4.78%
*DJ Indonesia July CPI +0.67% On Month; Mkt Expected +0.81%

11:11   *DJ Indonesia July CPI +0.67% On Month; Mkt Expected +0.81%

10:39  Small to medium size property developer PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk (LPCK), owned by Lippo Group, has skyrocketed 265% in  the last 6 months, while its larger sister company PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (LPKR) only gained 34.48% in the same period.
Investors finally recognized that the valuation of Lippo Cikarang is too cheap compared to Lippo Karawaci. But, Lippo Group likely prefers to provide press statement of LPKR rather than LPCK. In November last year, Insider Stories tried to write about LPCK as an alternative compared to the expensive stock Lippo Karawaci.
LPCK today surged 8% to Rp1,280 per share from Rp350 in 6 months ago. Referring to the first half earning of LPCK at Rp141.51 per share, price to earning ratio (PER) of LPCK is 8.97x.

(CC)Delta Dunia: 1H11 net profit 3.9% ours and 3.4% consensus (DOID, Rp980, Buy, TP: Rp1,400)
☑  DOID posted 1H11 revenue of Rp3,177bn (+17.6%yoy, +4.8%qoq)  followed by weak net profit of Rp18bn (-91.3%yoy, -189.2%qoq).
☑  DOID posted very disappointing 1H11 results as we had indicated from our company visit notes, mainly caused by several factors as follows:
o    Significant increase of depreciation expenses rose by 35%yoy or 103%qoq up to Rp629bn, mainly caused by its double declining method while at capex expansion phase
o    Surge of operating expenses around 55%yoy or 95%qoq up to Rp201bn due to significant increase of salaries, and overhead following new accounting treatment
o    One-off charge from loan refinancing amounting Rp156bn
o    Other expenses like derivative loss Rp23bn with regard to its interest rate swap transaction and loss on sale of subsidiary amounting Rp6bn

 Paketnya Harry Reid( Demokrat) kemungkinan disetujui....

Raising debt ceiling 2,4 T + Cut Spending 1 T

Obama juga mau speech jam 8.40
 GREAT NEWS!!!: Setelah disetujui Paket USD3 triliun oleh Kongress AS, Wall Street nanti malam diperkirakan akan dibuka NAIK TAJAM melihat Dow Futures Sudah Naik +157 poin..Indeks Nikkei-Jepang pun pagi ini NAIK TAJAM +110 poin. So pagi2 Bursa Indonesia buka HAJAR KANAN: ASII, UNTR, BBRI, BMRI, PTBA, AKRA, ITMG (ES-MNC Securities/Disclaimer On)

PERSONAL VIEW (2) on 01.08.11
Konsolidasi sehat melanda IHSG dlm 4 sesi berturut2 menjelang akhir pekan lalu, ditutup melemah 0.36% di level 4130.80 dengan value Rp.5.6 Triliun & volume perpindahan saham 5,6 milyar lembar saham, nilai tukar Rupiah ikut terkoreksi 0.12% sampai posisi Rp. 8504.

Saham2 berbasis Manufacture(ASII), Mining (PTBA,HRUM, BUMI, UNTR) & Infrastructure(INTP) mjd lagging mover sementara saham dr sektor Finance(BBRI,BMRI), Consumer Goods(INDF) menahan laju konsolidasi market. Aksi Sell On Strength scr merata tjd pd saham2 yg telah mencapai kenaikan optimal.

Sisa lanjutan aksi profit taking kemungkinan msh bs terjadi, ditengarai dgn arus deras capital inflow serta rilis lapkeu positif dihampir semua lini sektoral, prediksi pergerakan IHSG hari ini akan berkisar 4105-4160 yg
didorong oleh aksi akumulasi saham big cap yg telah banyak terdiskon pekan silam.  
Saham pilihan andalan dgn fundamental & support technical yg baik dr sektor Manufactur(ASII, IMAS, GJTL), sektor Finance (BBRI, BMRI, BBNI, BBCA), Mining(PTBA, HRUM, BUMI, ADRO, PGAS, UNTR),Consumer Goods(INDF, UNVR), Agri(AALI, LSIP), Infrastructure(TLKM, SMGR, JSMR).

Utk 2nd liner Finance(BBTN),Mining(BRMS), Agri(TBLA),Consumer Goods(MAPI, MYOR,AISA,CPIN), Manufacture(ADMG), Property(SSIA,ASRI), Infrastructure(META).

JCI for today :
Support:        4057 ; 4082
Resistance:   4160 ; 4200
USD/IDR:       8490-8520

"Selamat berkarya & berinvestasi...."
(By: Cynthia. Source: BN, CNBC, BI, Kontan)
Technical View
( - 01 Agustus 2011)

D'COINS mengucapkan Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Nampaknya masalah utang AS, yang mengancam downgrade ratingnya menjadi isu negatif utama bagi bursa global. Tetapi kinerja emiten Indonesia yang kebanyakan bagus pada semester I 2011 dan ekspektasi kenaikan rating Indonesia, seharusnya menjadi pertimbangan melakukan akumulasi buy on weakness.  Masih banyak saham Indonesia yang masih murah bisa menjadi incaran investor asing..

DWAC Online Trading System - D'COINS kali  memaparkan beberapa saham yang secara teknis memiliki potensi trend positif, antara lain;

- INDF bulan puasa menjadi katalis positif bagi INDG. Penembusan resisten Rp. 6.500 akan meneruskan trend kenaikan menuju Rp 7000an.  Support Rp. 6200. Buy on weakness

- BHIT, selama harga tidak dibawah Rp. 250, maka trend kenaikan akan berlanjut.  Resisten Rp. 280 - 300. Support Rp. 250. Buy on weakness

- SIMP trend harga masih menunjukkan level Rp 1600an menjadi target pencapaiannya. Resisten Rp 1500,  support Rp 1370. Buy on weakness

- KLBF Support Rp. 3375 dan Resisten Rp. 3575-3625.  Buy On weak|Ess

- BBRI  Level support Rp 6700 dan Resisten Rp 7000-7200. Penembusan Rp 7000, membawa trend kenaikan lebih lanjut. Buy on weakness

- JSMR Support Rp 3875 dan resisten Rp 4200- Rp.4500.  buy on weakness

- ADMG biarlah saham ini berkonsolidasi dulu sampai stabil.  Support Rp 830-790 dan resisten  Rp 890; 940.  Accumulate

- ENRG support Rp 240 dan resisten Rp 275-285. Buy on weakness

Saham-saham lain yang juga masih menjadi perhatian, antara lain, ADRO, TBLA, SGRO, CPIN, AGRO, COWL dan ETWA.

(Disclaimer On)
------------------BerInvestasi SEHAT, BerTransaksi CERDAS

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