Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Senin 17 Oktober 2011

15:37  urutan saham property berdasarkan market cap %:
bsde 12.39%
LPKR 11.30%
BKSL 6.86%
PWON 6.5%
CTRA 5.94%
SMRA 5.91%
ASRI 5.86%

13:28  Bumi 75% Purchase of PT Bumi Resources Minerals Won’t Proceed
2011-10-17 06:06:27.140 GMT
By Douglas Lytle
     Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Bumi Plc said its proposed acquisition of 75 percent of PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk from PT Bumi Resources Tbk will not proceed because of continuing market uncertainties.
     The company made the announcement today in a Regulatory News Service statement.

Monday (17/10) Early BIRD Fundamental Prespective (Edwin Sebayang-MNC Securities)

"...Heavy Earnings and Economic Data Are The Main Focus for the Whole Week...."

ES memperkirakan Bursa Indonesia akan kembali menguat dlm perdagangan Senin (17/10) mengacu tajamnya kenaikan Bursa AS (+1.45%) & Eropa (rata2 naik 1%) serta naiknya harga minyak mentah (+3.7%), emas (+0.8%), CPO (+2.4%) & Nikel (+2.3%), selebihnya, sepanjang minggu ini IHSG berpeluang menguat seiring antisipasi keluarnya Lap Keuangan Kuartal 3/2011 dimana total rata2 EPS bertumbuh msh diatas 30% serta penguatan Wall Street krn Lap Keuangan 3/2011 diperkirakan outstanding dgn total rata2 EPS bertumbuh sekitar 12.4% sambil mengamati data Lap Ekonomi yg cukup berat yg akan keluar.

Dgn 1/3 componen Indeks Dow Jones (Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Halliburton, Hasbro, IBM, BofA, Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Intel, Yahoo, Morgan Stanley, Travelers, United Tech, AmEx, Ebay, AT&T, Nokia, Microsoft, GE, McDonald's, Honeywell & Schlumberge) yg akan mengeluarkan Laporan Keuangannya minggu ini & mjd saham saham favorite, Apple, mk Wall Street diperkirakan berpeluang Naik kembali.

Sedangkan bbrp data ekonomi utama AS yg perlu diperhatikan yi: Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization, Producer and Consumer inflation, Weekly Jobless Claims & Consumer Sentiment.

DOW 11644.49 +1.45%
NAS 2667.85 +1.82%
S&P 1224.58 +1.74%
FTSE 5466.36 +1.17%
DAX 5967.2 +0.89%
CAC 3217.89 +0.97%
COAL 120.79. -0.29%
OIL 87.38 +3.74%
GOLD 1681.7 +0.79%
NICKEL 18875.+2.28 %
TIN.21800. -5.22%
CPO.2915. +2.42%
TLK.32.48 (Rp.7185)
IIT.28.25 (Rp. 5000)

Monday IDX Range: 3640 - 3737

BUY: TBLA, BBRI, SMGR, ADRO, GJTL, SMCB, ITMG, ASII, UNTR, ASRI, AKRA, AALI, PTBA, HRUM, INDY, BMRI, GGRM, ICBP, SIMP, INTP (For More Details, Pls Contact MNC Sec Research Div. or email to On)

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