Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Kamis 13 Des 2011

14:46  Property shares is flying after the break, led by Ciputra group, CTRP up 9.67%, CTRS up 5.88%, CTRA up 8.9%, while APLN up 6.25%.

It may be the positive sentiment from the land acquisition bill, though lacking, as the sector will also benefit from rising land prices if toll roads being built around the area.

Another catalyst maybe the speculation on that foreign may have ownership in Indo property as was reported in Bisnis on 7 December : 

the Indonesia minister for housing plan to release foreign property ownership under “right to build” for a period of 60
years. Note that the right to build has higher legal status than “Right to Use”, the current right entitle to foregner
under article 57 Law no. 1/2011. (Bisnis)

13:05   *OSK Sales Note
Our comment on land bill that may be approved soon
•DPR is expected to reach final agreement on the land bill  on 13 December which may be followed  with subsequent approval from the full factions in a General Assembly session, which would likely occur on 15 or 16 December.
•Once the bill is approved, implementing regulation will follow usually within a 12 month time frame.
•The bill will facilitate and accelerate infrastructure projects by break the deadlock in the land acquisition process. It would also give the government the authority to cancel land-right certificates and transfer ownership to itself if the land is required for government and private infrastructure projects.
•Across our entire universe, the stocks that we believe will directly benefit from the enactment of  land bill are toll-road operators (Jasa Marga (JSMR), Citra Marga (CMNP)  and Nusantara Infrastructure (META), cement: Indocement (INTP), Holcim (SMCB) & Semen Gresik (SMGR), construction: Wijaya Karya (WIKA), Adhi Karya (ADHI), Total Bangun Persada (TOTL) & Surya Semesta Internusa (SSIA). Better infrastructure should also positive for the property,consumer & commodity sectors. In a nutshell, the whole economy will benefit.

11:50  Barclays Capital yang sekarang memilki 30% saham di Garda Tujuhu Buana (GTBO) dikabarkan akan menambah kepemilikannya di GTBO melalui private placement dan tender offer hingga 62%. Nilai buku GTBO saat ini adalah Rp146 per saham dengan rasio p/e 2012 sebanyak 6X. Perkiraan penawaran berkisar pada Rp660-Rp780/saham. Tanggal penawaran pada minggu kedua Januari.

11:34 UU Pembebasan Lahan mengamanatkan seluruh perselisihan dalam harga
akuisisi lahan untuk diselesaikan oleh pengadilan negeri, yang akan
memutuskan harga untuk kedua pihak, dalam waktu satu bulan.Dengan
praktik yang ada saat ini, perselisihan tersebut dapat memakan waktu satu

10:56 Borneo Lumbung Energy (BORN IJ) released the prospectus on the newspaper regarding the buyback plan up to 4%0Qs well as the shareholder app val of the deal witz Bumi plc following the sharehowTer meeting.

10:44  Wen Jiabao/ Siao lunu pao May Cut China Taxes to Spur Growth in 2012

10:11  ASING net sell 500 Milyar, karena ada crossing saham MNCN ( Foreign Jual )

70APERSONAL VIEW on 13.12.11
On Global Market
Dari kawasan global,0Rursa Eropa & AS kembali lg diguncang kekhawatiran penyelesaian krisis 'sovereign debt' yg msh jalan ditempat. Spt yg sdh bnyk diprediksi oleh ekonom & analis,hasil pertemuan Uni Eropa pd akhir pekan silam yg membahas ttg ketentuan area penggunaan single currency serta penambahan dana talangan sbsr €200bn($267 milyar) melalui IMF msh bukan solusi yg jitu utk menyelesaikan krisis yg tjd, walhasil, pemeringkat Moody's berencana utk menurunkan peringkat utang 'EU sovereign credit',para pelaku pasar segera menyikapinya dg melakukan aksi profit taking yg menggunting kenaikan indeks dg rata2 koreksi 1%. Tercatat,'borrowing costs' di Eropa kmrn turun 5.952%.

Dari negara China, rilis pertumbuhan ekspor dibln Nov tumbuh 14% dan impor naik 22%angka ini terendah sejak thn 2009, Presiden China,Hu Jiantao, berjanji utk meningkatkan impor utk mendorong perdagangan global. 

On Currencie& Commodities
Kembali mata uang dolar AS mempertahankan diri sbg 'safe haven currency', dolar AS menguat 0.91% thdp Euro, 0.75% thdp Swiss Franc selain itu data ekonomi positif AS spt defisit perdagangan dibln Okt'11 yg mencapai $43,5 milyar turun dr $44,2 serta kondisi kisruh di Eropa mjd trigger penguatan. Utk komoditas, kmrn rata2 turun, Minyak mentah WTI utk pengiriman Januari kembali ke level $98,76 per barrel (-0.65%) dg spekulasi OPEC akan tetap mempertahankan angka produksi minyak thn 2012. Kejatuhan harga komoditas lainnya lbh dipicu oleh melambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi.

"Selamat berkarka & berinvestasi"
(By: Cynthia. Source: BN, CNBC)

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