Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Berita Pagi Selasa 21 Juni 2011

Tuesday Early BIRD Edition (Edwin Sebayang-MNC Securites)..

Penguatan Dow Jones 3 hari berturut-turut sekitar +155 poin diikuti turunnya CBOE Volatility Index (Indeks Ketakutan Investor) sebesar 8.5% diikuti light bounce back oil dan gold menjadi sentimen positif penguatan terbatas IDX dalam perdagangan Selasa ini.

Wall Street kembali rally dlm perdagangan Senin (20/6) dimana Indeks Dow Jones ditutup menguat (+0.63%) shg selama 3 hari berturut-turut Indeks Dow Jones NAIK sekitar +155 poin (+1.53%)  setelah Menteri Keuangan Zona Euro memberikan waktu 2 minggu sejak Senin utk mengesahkan penerapan anggaran negara yg lebih ketat sbg imbalannya akan diberikan tambahan dana talangan (bail out) emergency sebesar Euro 12 miliar yg  menjamin investor bahwa Default Utang Yunani dapat dihindari, yg dikuatirkan akan merembet ke negara Zona Euro kembali, diikuti turunnya The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), mendekati level 20, jauh dibawah level tahun 2008 yang mencapai 30 s/d 40.

Investor di Wall Street akan fokus atas Pernyataan Kebijakan Federa Reserve yg akan diumumkan Rabu & scr seksama akan memonitor Press Konferens dr Chairman The Fed, Bernanke sesaat setelah pengumuman dimana salah satunya The Fed akan mempertahankan Fed Rate.

DOW 12080.38 +0.63%
NAS 2629.66  +0.5%
S&P  1278.35  +0.54%
OIL 93.46  +0.48%
GOLD 1541.2  +0.14%
NICKEL. 21700.  +0.11%
TIN.24800.  -0.82%
CPO.3205.   0%
TLK 32.38    ( 6970)
IIT.30.04    (  5175)

Tue IDX Range: 3700-3740

 "Important Notes For MNC Securities Clients: Don't be Fooled by Rumors That IDX Would Be Down to 3,500, That's Only Match For Dumb Person"


PERSONAL VIEW on 21.06.11 by cynthia

Stlh diliputi kecemasan akan solusi bagi penyelesaian krisis utang Yunani, lambatnya proses perbaikan ekononomi AS, dimulainya penerapan "tightening monetary" di negara panda, China, kembali teknikal rebound melintas di kawasan market global. Ditutup di rentang positif dengan volume & value serta CBOE Volatility Index yg masih lanjut turun, para investor berharap pidato Bernanke yg akan tetap mempertahankan 'interest rates near zero'  pd hari Rabu minggu ini akan mampu memberikan sentimen positif.   

Smtr itu, harga komoditas bergerak fluktuatif menanti katalis yg dpt mentrigger kepastian. Emas ditutup naik $2.90 mjd $1,542 per ounce sedangkan harga minyak mentah ditutup bervariasi disebabkan oleh cadangan yg menurun, U.S. light,sweet crude naik tipis pada $93.26 per barrel, sedgkan London Brent crude turun $1.52 ditutup $111.69.

Ditutup menguat tipis 0.18% pada level 3729.12. dengan value & volume yg tipis, hanya mampu mencapai Rp.3.21 Tn dibawah rata2 transaksi harian,  pergerakan IHSG didominasi oleh kenaikan saham BUMN berkapitalisasi besar. Sejak tgl 14-20 Juni'11 tercatat Nett Buy Foreign sebesar Rp. 2.04 Tn. Untuk Nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap US dolar kemarin melemah 0.12% menjadi Rp. 8618.

Berbeda dgn kondisi pesimis kemarin, hari ini investor akan memiliki keberanian dlm  m'ambil keputusan bertransaksi.  Regional Asia dibuka positif, sedangkan prediksi IHSG akan berada di kisaran 3707-3750 dgn pola perdagangan mirip kemarin. Didominasi oleh saham BUMN, kenaikan saham akan dipicu oleh Saham sektor  Perbankan (BMRI; BBRI); Infrastruktur (TLKM; JSMR; SMGR); Consumer (INDF; CPIN; KLBF) serta Otomotif: ASII. Sedangkan saham berbasis Pertambangan yang menjadi pemicu lesu darahnya di sesi awal berubah memberikan support indeks pd lini positif (PTBA; ITMG; HRUM;UNTR).

Bagi para Bakrie's lover yg melakukan transaksi harian sebaiknya mampu menyimak & memahami 'scenario conspiracy' yg terjadi dimarket,yg sebetulnya mash menyisakan potensi utk memperoleh gain & loss yg terkadang membuat investor putus asa,pilihan sahamBUMI; BRMS; BRAU; ENRG). Saham CPO(SGRO; BWPT) & Property(ASRI; BSDE) yg layak untuk dicermati...

JCI for today:
Support:      3680 ; 3704    
Resistance: 3730 ; 3751   
USD/IDR:    8590-8620

"Selamat berkarya & berinvestasi...."
(Source: CNBC, BLOOMBERG, Kontan & BI)


Dow, S&P Post Third Straight Gain; Banks Slip | June 20, 2011 | 04:55 PM EDT

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 76.02 points, or 0.63 percent, to close at 12080.38.But the blue-chip index is still on track for the worst month since last August.
The S&P 500 6.86 points, or 0.54 percent, to end at 1,278.36.

Despite the day's rally, however, stocks are still on pace for the first losing quarter since the second quarter of 2010.

The CBOE Volatility Index, widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, tumbled to end near 20.

"The approval of the Greek parliament is absolutely essential and it will have to arrive in a timely fashion so we can take a decision on July 3,'' said Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the EU finance ministers.  Meanwhile, Moody's placed ratings of  Italian Government-related issuers on review for a possible downgrade. The news comes after the firm said Friday it could downgrade Italy's rating.

The euro traded lower against the U.S. dollar, while gold gained $2.90 to end at $1,542 an ounce. Oil prices were mixed.  U.S. light, sweet crude reversed its losses, gaining 25 cents to settle at $93.26 a barrel, while London Brent crude fell $1.52 to settle at $111.69.

Investors will be focusing on the Federal Reserve's policy statement, due Wednesday, and will also closely monitor Bernanke's news conference shortly after the announcement. The Fed is expected to restate itscommitment to hold interest rates near zero for an extended period amid fresh signs the U.S. recovery has lost momentum.

CLSA this morning ...Not much news flow here today.  Market continue to be soft with shrinking volumes.  Despite data continue to show strength in the domestic economy, negative sentiment in the regional markets has been dragging down resource names across the board here.

Have spent some

more time reading Napier's report over the weekend, I have to agree that his

overall thesis is very solid.  The

structural distortion we have witnessed in the

US Treasury Market is about to unwind as he thinks the almost 2

decades long of recycling in current account surpluses in EM into US treasuries will end as most of these markets will now focus on a

stronger exchange to combat inflation.  So in the

absence of foreign central bank buying, the private sector will need to step-up to fund the US$370B of Treasury Issuance per quarter to

cover net issuance which is higher unlikely without a higher yield and/or lower inflation expectations.

Bursa d USA mengalami kenaikan setelah penyataan dari PM Luxemburg menyatakan bahwa pasti akan ada solusi untuk menangani krisis Yunani.

Kami melihat hari ini IHSG pergerakannya akan fluktuatif, dimana sampai saat ini Uni Eropa belum menemukan langkah-langkah dalam menangani krisis Yunani sehingga pasar akan harap-harap cemas dengan krisis Yunani,   Secara teknikal closing IHSG menyentuh lower band dari indikator Bollinger Band tetapi dari indikator RSI mulai flat.  Kisaran pergerakan 3720 – 3770.

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